
Suzanne offers the following services:

  • developmental editing, structural editing, line editing
  • content reviews and sensitivity reading
  • copy editing
  • curriculum writing
  • writing workshops (non-fiction, memoir, expressive)
  • webinars and outdoor sessions
  • conference presentations and keynotes
  • panel moderation

 Editors' Association of Canada logo

E-mail for more information, or see Suzanne’s listing in the Editors Canada Online Directory of Members.

“This is one of the best workshops I have had! I feel inspired to learn more, but also confident to start integrating some elements into my classroom practice. The Best Practices checklist is a fantastic tool that has immediate applicability to my class.” (Participant, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario Summer Academy)

“I greatly appreciated the resources, knowledge, and expertise that Suzanne brought to the project – and I also really enjoyed meeting her in person. She has such great energy, humour, and kindness. Her input and important contributions to the project made my own role so much more meaningful and enjoyable.” (Brian Rochat, Canadian Race Relations Foundation)

“Suzanne is a fantastic facilitator. She is generous in sharing her experiences and knowledge, but she’s also a good listener who integrates participants’ voices and opinions into a cohesive whole.” (Victor Reyes, Sustainability Network)

“Very interactive activities, and good at bringing ancient teachings into students’ lives in a way that is relevant today.” (Teacher, Dokis First Nation)

“Suzanne came to our classroom and immediately shifted the project into a contemporary frame, dispelling some of the common stereotypes – including those held by teachers. The children have learned a great deal about relating to each other and to the world around them.” (Teachers, Joyce Avenue Public School, Toronto District School Board)

“Suzanne’s enthusiasm and down-to-earth approach opened up important dialogue at our course. She had plenty of information to share and inspired us to continue learning after the course was finished.” (Angie Ortlieb & Sarah McCaul, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario)

“Suzanne has a welcoming approach that brings teacher candidates safely into a space of learning.” (Doug Friesen, AQ Instructor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)

“After Suzanne’s session, I have so many ideas about how to integrate the Social Studies/History curriculum with a social justice inquiry focus. Suzanne showed me that there is so much more to Indigenous issues than required curriculum topics.” (Participant, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario Summer Academy)

“Very good approach to a large age range in a small group. Good at bringing them back on point, and high expectations for student attention.” (Teacher, Dokis First Nation)

“Highly creative, with a remarkable ability to develop culturally relevant and responsive curriculum.” (Tanya Senk, System Superintendent, Urban Indigenous Education Centre, Toronto District School Board)

Suzanne Methot